Aaaah!! Labyrinth reference!! This book just gained my respect ✊🏼#nerdretellingofcinderella #funstuff
claffy_reads Amazing!!!! Yes, this makes the book an instant must-read for me! ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
WordlyNerdly @callielafleur There are lots of other references in it but this one takes the cake ;) 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 This book made me buy Labyrinth...lol I never saw it before. 7y
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WordlyNerdly @JanuarieTimewalker13 😱😱😱 whaaaaat. Did you like it? I‘m sure it‘s a little weird to someone new to it! 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 I love Bowie. It was a bit weird, however. I just remember taking a photo of the screen to show my friend Jeannine the girl who is in it (forgot her name)-spitting image of her when she was a teen...that‘s all I really remember, except to me, the dancing was a bit too close for comfort between a girl and and older guy, but maybe I‘m over-reacting. Did anyone else notice that? It was kind of icky. But maybe I‘m remembering it incorrectly. 7y
WordlyNerdly @JanuarieTimewalker13 I know what you mean! But I think fans don‘t see it as a middle aged guy and a young teenage girl, but The Goblin King who isn‘t a specific age and a blossoming young woman. If that makes sense. I do think it‘s one of those movies that‘s very different to grow up with as opposed to watching it for the first time as an adult 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 I agree. The adult in me is protective of the young girl, I guess. I have to revisit the film. 7y
BookwormM Love Labyrinth 7y