#MiddleGradeMarch #POP #TBR prompt: Written in the 1900s
#MiddleGradeMarch #POP #TBR prompt: Written in the 1900s
#MiddleGradeMarch #TBR #POP prompt: Part of a series
#MiddleGradeMarch #Pop #TBR
Prompt: Flowers on the cover
#MiddleGradeMarch #TBR #Pop prompt: author with three last names
They told us in August that our job was going to be outsourced overseas, so I'm in the middle of looking for a new job. I'm not sure how much reading I'll be able to do this month, but I'm going to try.
Especially excited for #bookedintime and #middlegrademarch this month!
My plan for #MiddlegradeMarch is to participate in the booktube reading challenge. There will be two buddy reads, in addition to the prompts. The Secret Garden and MoonGarden. Check out YouTube for more information.
Only got four books in for #MiddleGradeMarch and I didn‘t even get to my Jason Reynolds book but as always it was a joy to participate. Heidi was my favorite.
I had to read Green's story, as they were such a vibrant character in 'Rick'. Being nonbinary, they have to work through some challenges most kids don't think about. When the school musical is being cast, they have to fight for gender neutral casting. When puberty starts, they have to make decisions about their body. And if they have a crush on a boy who says he's straight, is it hopeless to think he could ever like them back?
Another for #MiddleGradeMarch! I loved The Indian in the Cupboard when I read it (and its sequels) in 4th/5th grade. (I‘m reluctant to re-read—I‘m skeptical whether they would hold up.) I remember seeing I, Houdini in a list of other books by Lynne Reid Banks, and becoming low-key obsessed with reading it—partly because I loved stories told from an animal character POV, and probably also partly because my library didn‘t have a copy. ⬇️