Reading as escapism 😀 #coffeeandbooks #MysteryofAncientIreland #SisterFidelma
Reading as escapism 😀 #coffeeandbooks #MysteryofAncientIreland #SisterFidelma
I scored several old Sr.Fidelma Mysteries #mysteriesofAncientIreland through Thrift Books.Sipping my Labor Day morning coffee while enjoying what feels like an autumn day in my porch! Coldish breeze, the temp is 69. Barely a cloud- bright blue skies. I plan to walk afterwards. #porchlife #LazyLaborDay #coffeeandbooks
When a glovemaker is found murdered, everybody assumes his apprentice was the culprit, especially as some jewellery and cash has also gone missing. But then the bodies start piling up. The dean of Exeter cathedral asks Sir Baldwin Furnshill and Simon Puttock to investigate, but why isn't he relying on local law enforcement? ⬇
"The first of the murders which so shook the cathedral passed with little comment. "
A knight on a secret mission, his dog, and a convicted felon all lie dead in the woods. But a lot of people seem to have been passing through the woods that night. So who killed whom?
Even with the list of dramatis personae at the front, it took me a while to get straight in my mind who all the minor characters were but it was an enjoyable read.
When a novice nun dies and the prioress is accused of her murder by the nunnery's treasurer in a letter to the suffragan bishop, he asks Keeper of the Peace Sir Baldwin Furnshill and Warden Simon Puttock to investigate discreetly. But why, when the nunnery does not fall in either of them's jurisdiction?
A good fun easy read. So glad I live in an age of anaesthetics and antibiotics.