I started rearranging my books today, slowly, first by: fiction, author‘s last name starts with A. Here‘s Abbey through Atwood done! My problem is the constraints of home bookshelves, and the mix of hard backs and paperbacks. How do you shelve your books? Separate paperbacks from hardbacks and then alphabetize? I only want to do this once. 😂
I‘d love to hear how you do it, and see a pic of your shelves! Use #littenlibraries & tag me.
Lcsmcat Fear not Janeites- my Austen‘s are all on my “beautiful bindings” shelf and I don‘t intend to mix those with my more pedestrian covers. 😊 7y
Amiable I have a sorting system that exists only inside my head. I have books in groups that make sense to me: a shelf of childhood favorites, a shelf with books signed by the authors, nonfiction sorted by categories (medical, history, biographies, etc.), fiction that I've read, fiction to be read, etc. and so on. My husband just stands in front of the bookcase and looks helpless until I take the book from his hand and put it in the right spot. 😄 (edited) 7y
TheSpineView I have three separate areas for book. Non fiction together, signed books, then fiction and all are Alphabetically by author regardless of paperback or hard cover. It works for my since of organization. Choose the way that works for you. 7y
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Lcsmcat @Amiable That‘s how mine was. Things would be shelved according to when I bought them, or when I planned to read them. But I‘m getting too old for that and I couldn‘t find things I KNEW I owned. 7y
AshleyHoss820 I have mine separated into categories first. My 1,001 Books are alphabetical by title. Then my non-fiction are alphabetical by author. My books that are part of a series are alphabetical by series title. Then I have all my paperbacks together, followed by my trades, followed by my hardbacks. All alphabetical by author. 😊 7y
Daisey I completely get this dilemma! I have a handful of different shelves I‘ve collected over time and some are really short which limits the books I can put on them. I want mostly fiction by author and nonfiction by subject, but it never works out that easily. So, at the moment, mostly chaos! 7y