This is a difficult book to review. It‘s a novel with a lot of layers. Thornton writes in the author‘s note about the act of projection, and particularly the type of mythologizing that happens in fandoms. The novel is very much an exploration of this idea, with The Beach Boys and the mythology surrounding Brian Wilson as the model. It‘s essentially a Beach Boys myth retelling with Brian recast as a trans woman. ⬇️
#translit #lambdaawardwinner
psalva It's all told through letters written by the MC, Gala (also a trans woman) to the character of Diane, the founder of the Get Happies. Overall, it's got an uncanny valley quality that seems so real but also not quite right. It makes for an unsettling reading experience in a way that made me question what what was real and what was the character projecting. ⬇️ 2y
psalva In the end, I found this quite interesting and thought provoking, even if it wasn't a happy story. I would also say I think knowledge of the Beach Boys and Brian Wilson will add to the experience. 2y
Reggie Is there a Manson side character somewhere in there? Also, by any chance do you have my book Red X? Because I never got it in the mail and I know you were moving and it could have just as easily been put into a box or maybe you put the package in your car but it slipped under a seat. If you could check for me, please. Thanks!🙂 2y
psalva @Reggie No Manson character as far as I could tell but there is a character who goes to a commune. I didn‘t consider it might be related to Manson but it‘s possible. And I‘m really sorry about Red X! I meant to email you. It‘s in the mail but I just sent it the other day. You should get it this coming week some time. It did get bit lost in the shuffle but I didn‘t forget about it- I apologize for the delay! 2y
Reggie No worries, I just wanted to make sure that it didn‘t get lost in mail purgatory somewhere. Thanks! 2y
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