I got goosebumps while first reading The Familiar Vol.3 Honeysuckle & Pain as the story was so exciting.
If you get the chance read this series!
#markzdanielewski #thefamiliar #TFv3 #honeysuckleandpain #favoriteauthor #booklove
I got goosebumps while first reading The Familiar Vol.3 Honeysuckle & Pain as the story was so exciting.
If you get the chance read this series!
#markzdanielewski #thefamiliar #TFv3 #honeysuckleandpain #favoriteauthor #booklove
Do we miss not only the past but every future the lost past describes? Is that just the nature of missing? All the lost might-have-beens? The certainty that those uncertain futures are gone?
If we can't embrace uncertainty do we miss the point of love?
#favoritequote #markzdanielewski #thefamiliar #thefamiliarvol3 #TFv3 #honeysuckleandpain #bookquote #favoriteauthor #wisdom #love