Just Charli, my library book haul, and I, enjoying a nice, quiet evening.
Now I have to decide what book I should read first!? 😆
#librarybookhaul #olddog #withmalice #halflost #icelikefire #theschoolofgoodandevil #thelasteverafter
Just Charli, my library book haul, and I, enjoying a nice, quiet evening.
Now I have to decide what book I should read first!? 😆
#librarybookhaul #olddog #withmalice #halflost #icelikefire #theschoolofgoodandevil #thelasteverafter
I'm fine. just go ahead and rip my heart out. no big deal. really. I'm fine. I'm just fine. I'm dehydrated from the tears but I'm fine. #halflost #lgbtq #stillnotoverit #ya