Always time for coffee and few more chapters before work.
Always time for coffee and few more chapters before work.
"If it were so, it might be.."
Revenge of the nerd!! Who else is a huge 80s nerd!???
#80s #revengeofthenerd #fairestofthemall #nerd #booknerd
Happy 20th. This series is a favorite of I'm sure many many people. I had to share my Slytherin house pride today as the first novel turns 20. 💚🐍
I really enjoyed this book. It was written in a very creative and interesting way. Although I thought there could be more to the story (the love story specifically), I thought it quite good.
"I would have waited five hundred more years for you. A thousand years. And if this was all the time we were allowed to have... the wait was worth it."
This book broke me, after finishing it I couldn't move on. I was too invested in the lives of these wonderful characters it was like losing a friend.