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#expandeddt completed ✅

This took me far longer than intended as I went on a lot of reading detours along the way but I‘m happy to have finally made it through. I finished up with the Dark Tower VII which just has so much going on but did have me in tears towards the end. 🥺
I thoroughly enjoyed tracking the connections thru so many books (if even loosely connected).
To be inside the head of SK 🤔
❤️Oy ❤️

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Only 2 degrees might be a little cool for sitting outside reading, but the ☀️is shining so, we‘re going with it!

My 2nd read through book 6 of the DT series. I recall it being one of my least favourites of the series, and that opinion holds. It‘s not the whole book per se but I don‘t love the Susannah-Mia path. I did like the Roland-Eddie story line tho. Sooo... it is what it is I guess.

KathyWheeler I think it‘s my least favorite as well and I‘ve read and/or listened to the series several times. I think it might be because the Susannah - Mia storyline is too long and there is a bit too much of SK in the book as well. 3y
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While I generally enjoyed the stories in this collection, I don‘t think they‘ll have a lasting effect. I‘ve just finished and already can‘t really recall specifics.
I read this for ‘Ur‘ for its relationship to the Dark Tower and my #expandeddt journey.

Other SK collections have left a stronger impression, but this one was ok.

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A #reread for my #expandeddt journey (only a few books to go!) and a contribution to my #BFC21 goal for February.

I still liked it my second time around. This one is where we start to really see the meta fiction twists which I always enjoy.


TheNeverendingTBR Excellent installment in a spectacular series. 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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I was hit and miss for my January #BFC21 goals (French reading was a little too much like homework 😬) so I‘m revising a little for February for some better focus.

Book goal: read down my #TBR lists starting with finishing up my #expandeddt #darktower journey. (I started in 2019 and am so close!) 📚

Fitness goal: daily yoga 🧘🏻‍♀️
Fitness goal: daily meditation 📿
Fitness goal: daily food tracking 🍽

wanderinglynn The important thing is you‘re sticking with it. Adapt and adjust your goals as needed, even during the month. Great goals for February! 🙌🏻 4y
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Black House | Stephen King, Peter Straub
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Finished up on a chilly morning this weekend ❄️

This sequel to The Talisman has a much closer connection to the #darktower series. I was a little slow getting into it, the omniscient narrator POV was kinda annoying... but that largely disappeared for most of the rest of the book, otherwise I liked it (gory details and all!)
Reading the broader #dt linked novels is offering a much deeper understanding of this multiverse. I ❤️ it!

TheNeverendingTBR Love both this and The Talisman 👌 4y
KathyWheeler I‘ve read it a couple of times and listened to it once. Every single time I was annoyed by the POV and had to get used to it. 4y
Bookish.SAM Happy to hear I wasn‘t alone @KathyWheeler !! I haven‘t noticed this is King‘s other books (perhaps a Straub addition?) but I found it so distracting! 4y
KathyWheeler @Bookish.SAM I‘m wondering if it was a joint decision as I can‘t think of a single Straub book that does that either. 4y
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Part memoir, part practical writing advice...this will inspire any would-be writer and entertain any Stephen King fan.

I‘ve been slow to the King party, but he‘s become a favourite of mine so it was interesting to peek behind the curtains .... especially the book lists he added to the end. I‘m always a sucker for a reading list and to see his was revealing.


Hearts In Atlantis | Stephen King
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Another one down in my #expandeddt reading. 🤗

I wasn‘t super stoked about this one (probably just because of my #bookishpeeve ... that I HATE movie tie in covers🤯).... buuuut, I really enjoyed it. Especially the first 2 stories. The Low Men details really provide some context for the Dark Tower series.

I‘m also really enjoying the reading-outside-with-a-blanket weather 😊

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My second read through the #darktower series as I go through #expandeddt journey. I didn‘t read this the first time I read the series. There were a few fun little tidbits and the story was alright, but I guess I was hoping for a little more to the overall plot. This could be read as a little (certainly a short novel by SK standards!) stand alone story, but when reading the series you just want a little more.

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Everything's Eventual | King, Stephen
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My ‘watchdog‘ #readingbuddy keeping an eye on those pesky pedestrians on the other side of the fence 🐾

This was my first Stephen King short story collection.

Read it for the 2 #darktower related stories - “Little Sisters of Eluria” and “Everything‘s Eventual” - for my #expandeddt journey but I enjoyed all of them! 🙂


Bette 🐶❤️👍 4y
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