This book was wonderful and powerful. It answered a lot of things I‘ve always wondered about. It was clear and concise. It was a great introduction, and I think it attempts to build a bridge (at least in people‘s minds) between all the different traditions in the world. I don‘t necessarily agree with some of his thoughts here (or I would like further clarification or context for that particular entry), 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
GingerAntics but overall this was just the book I was looking for. This is the first time I‘ve heard someone talk about their childhood and it reflected my own childhood. I greatly enjoyed his candor, and I liked where he explained all the different things that were part of his experience - Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Catholic - it none are part of his personal identity. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 6y
GingerAntics I‘ve struggled with that, but it‘s nice knowing I don‘t have to make any of those things part of my identity while also allowing them to simultaneously exist peacefully. can see why this book is required reading in some situations, and I firmly believe this should be required reading in more places around America and around the world. Even the parts I struggled with gave me things to think about and a new perspective. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 6y
GingerAntics EVERYONE should read this book. I almost want to buy a bunch of copies and just leave them laying around places in the hopes that people pick them up and read them. #timberhawkeye #buddhistbootcamp #everyoneneedstoreadthis 6y
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GingerAntics @Gezemice I think you‘re the one I promised to keep posted. This book is a definite YES!!! (edited) 6y
Gezemice @GingerAntics Thanks! I have dabbled in meditation and found the Buddhist teachings to be very calming and accepting. Instead of telling you “this is the absolute truth and if you don‘t believe it you go to hell”, they tell you - “you can find it out for yourself, here is how you get started”. Buddhism is not really a religion as in believing in a god, it is more of a life style. 6y
GingerAntics @Gezemice exactly. Partitioners will tell you it‘s not a religion, it‘s a philosophy. It‘s quite open and the emphasis is on being the best you possible, not perfection, which I particularly like. There aren‘t any fixes for not being perfect, either. It‘s so much more relaxed. 6y
GingerAntics @Gezemice there is also a lack of an insistence to join anything. You don‘t have to join this or that to be considered legit or genuine, it‘s all very personal and it can stay that way. There is no pressure to be one thing or another. I sort of dabbled off and on for a while now, but this is my first real step into seriously looking into it. I‘ve already got a Buddhist reading list, and the book I‘m reading now is adding to it. lol 6y