"A woman of seven and twenty... Can never hope to feel or inspire affection again." #30something #donttellmyhusband
"A woman of seven and twenty... Can never hope to feel or inspire affection again." #30something #donttellmyhusband
Organizing my rotating bookshelf & making a spreadsheet for attempt at a read down in 2018 (@ least 3 of 4 books have to be ones I already own)...things are a little more out of control than I thought. B/w ebooks & physical, I own 163 that I haven't read!! & I'm pretty sure there are a few more hiding in other rooms- I have 4 other bookshelves in my house. Better books than shoes I guess?
#ohdear #ineedmoreshelves #readdown #donttellmyhusband 😳
2016 roundup: here are the books I've bought this year that I haven't read yet #donttellmyhusband #theremaybeafewmore #booksquirrel