@Tex2Flo #desertislandreads
This is so tough...... I‘m on the fence...
AgathaChristie for comfort and number of books...
Sarah Winman, Favorite author but only 3 books! Eek!
Donna Tartt, Favorite Book... still only 3, but really long books! 😂
@Tex2Flo #desertislandreads
This is so tough...... I‘m on the fence...
AgathaChristie for comfort and number of books...
Sarah Winman, Favorite author but only 3 books! Eek!
Donna Tartt, Favorite Book... still only 3, but really long books! 😂
@tex2flo #desertislandreads
I think the wise choice would be not only someone that you love their books but have written a large jumber. I would choose J.R. Ward or J.k. Rawling.
This was a stumper. I could choose someone who writes about living off the land, but where‘s the fun in that?
I choose Jasper FForde for the fantastical images and ideas...to take my mind off things. Kinda like now.
@Tex2Flo #desertislandreads