Two good rulings! First LQBTQIA Rights and now DACA! We need to all send RBG every good vibe and healing energy we can, because this was so close.....
Emilymdxn It‘s easy to forget we can win sometimes in among the shit at the moment! Precious to have something to celebrate. Well done America. Maybe the UK will get something to be happy about... one day... maybe. Lol. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Emilymdxn It‘s really tense here, and I don‘t think many were holding up much hope since the current administration has been actively trying to pack the Supreme Court with their picks. First withholding an Obama nomination, without even giving him a hearing, so Trump could appoint someone else when he took office, and then another Justice suddenly retiring to make way for Kavanaugh whose nomination was a hot mess. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Emilymdxn I hope so for you too! The UK and US have been going through such a hard time. We both deserve a sea change.... in a better direction. 5y
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Emilymdxn I remember the Kavanaugh nomination even from over here, it was headline news in the British papers. Thank god we have sensitive, sensible leaders over here who do such useful things in the middle of a historic period of crisis as spending £900k repainting a plane with the union jack on it, and doing a televised press release about how they're changing tariffs on australian chocolate biscuits. Crucial stuff. 5y
JoScho This is awesome! 5y
That-Bookish-Hiker ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
sarahbarnes 💪🏽🌈🙌🏽❤️ 5y
ScrappyMags You know what I find interesting... people who read a lot tend to be smarter and more liberal. I chew on that fact often. ❤️ 5y
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