Makes me so happy when I see #bookgogo arrive and my gorgeous customers love them. This #corgicorn made it to its new home with @sisilia thank you so much for returning to the shop 😍 still some corgocorns still available http://etsy.me/2sw4iFT
Makes me so happy when I see #bookgogo arrive and my gorgeous customers love them. This #corgicorn made it to its new home with @sisilia thank you so much for returning to the shop 😍 still some corgocorns still available http://etsy.me/2sw4iFT
HRH Corgi is available in my Etsy store now in small and large #bookgogo this one is a little more regal than the magical #corgicorn check them out now http://etsy.me/2rMrlZg #booksleeve
The Corgicorns are available for pre-order - I have managed to make 3/4 of one but have run out of light - they will be ready to ship on Monday http://etsy.me/2sw4iFT #booksleeve #bookgogo #corgicorn