Any #philly / #jersey area littens going to the #collingswoodbookfestival this weekend?
Any #philly / #jersey area littens going to the #collingswoodbookfestival this weekend?
Littens, say hello to Bianca! She's been with us for almost a year & is a perfectly precious Pekingese. Her rescue gave her the name Bianca, but we kept it since, like the one in the play, everyone seems to fall in love with her, & boy does she know it! She is very interested in all the books I brought home from #collingswoodbookfestival. She won't stop sniffing them! Good girl, make Momma proud, loving that book smell. 📚📚🐶📚📚 #petsoflitsy
She said when, it comes to prayer / Get on, God's nerves You bug him enough / And he will, give you his word
Met Stacey Williams, local SoJo poet, at #Collingswoodbookfestival. Rely on prayer, but on your drive & your power too. Love play on his word & choice in caps: in scripture, God pronouns are capitalized, but You is instead. Did not hear all the ceasara (punctuation interrupting lines) when Williams performed, but love that it's there.
From earlier at the #collingswoodbookfestival, since my bag isn't stuffed yet. Gorgeous print. $8, seller gave it to me for $5 when I told him I teach & that this is my fav book & fave book to teach. Ran back to him later to show him I was wearing my out of print tee with all of Boo Radley' s tree gifts. I ended up having a conversation with him & another vendor about why "Go Set a Watchman" is worth the read, even if nowhere near the original.
Part 3 of originally 2 for my #collingswoodbookfestival. Most fiction I grab is authors I feel I should read & have on my shelf. I just Muppet arm grab books wildly. "Girl Drive" was the last book picked. It seems interesting & cool. "Woe is I" tickled my English teacher grammar bone. The tiny book in the corner is an adorable Jane Eyre. I spent a little over $50 for 25 books. Woot! Poetry books were the only ones bought full price, but... poetry.
Part 2 of now 3 of my #collingswoodbookfestival haul: poetry books, book gifts for sisters & bff, & auto/biography. Another good deal at another booth was a $1 a book, buy 2 get the 3rd free. I easily stacked up 3 and then found a 4th! This happened a couple times.
Part 1 of 2 of my #collingswoodbookfestival haul. There was a tent with a deal of 5 books for $1, so I grabbed a bunch for my classroom library. Aside from "The Sweet Far Thing" (Don't worry, I have "A Great and Terrible Beauty" already. Need the third one, though) and "Crispin", I haven't read these. Littens, please tell me about these books before I unleash them on the children!
I woke up this morning to arms and legs that are SORE! Ninja hubby told me yesterday that lugging this bag of books around the #Collingswoodbookfestival and then taking it on the 10 minute walk to my car was a workout. Sweet, no gym needed when you have books! Ninja hubby estimated the bag to be about 25 lbs. 😥 And yes, that is my bag from the #nationalbookfestival. DO ALL THE BOOK FESTIVALS! Or at least the free ones that aren't too far away.