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Making and Keeping Creative Journals | Suzanne J.E. Tourtillott
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3/5⭐ The designs are nice with thorough coverage of many journal-making techniques. The layout of the book is technical and heavy on text, sometimes bloated. I would have liked more photos of the finished projects. Some of the fonts are very small and/or almost illegible, making things difficult to read.

slategreyskies I think that, with a book of this nature that is supposed to be both informative and inspirational, it would be tough to do the subject justice without a lot of photos. I mean it‘s a book on a visual creative form. How could they skimp on the pics? Hope the next one is better! 📚💕 1w
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Published in 2007 (and bought used for 1p!), these days it has rather a cultural historical vibe. Written/made by multiple contributors, it's an art zine in book form: kind of a grown-up version of the things my sister and I used to make in the school holidays ?. I don't really like that messy, mixed media look, but there are several projects I plan to try (and many another that are more "why on Earth would I want to make that?!"). A curiosity!

Caroline2 Gorgeous cover! 🥰 2mo
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#LuckyInLove Day 25: If you are looking for stories about #SoulMate(s), you can never go wrong with the Griffin and Sabine trilogy. 7 books now in the entire series. Here is Fats‘ review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-BY - I invite you, though, to not just read the post but the comments too. Very intriguing.

Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 3mo
marleed I love this series and can never see myself parting with my books - I have all but one in the series! 3mo
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Snowballs | Lois Ehlert
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So ..

After kids didn‘t show today and horrific road conditions, multiple accidents and slide offs of teenagers going to and from school and little 4 year olds frost bite -school is closed here tomorrow.
I guess exams and testing can be rescheduled. Idiots. OYTOTHEVEY

🥶 thank goodness we can stay home.

IndoorDame Yikes! Glad admin is feeling less stubborn about tomorrow! Be safe and warm 🤍❄️ 5mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame there was a revolt we all called and emailed admin. Parents are mad. 5mo
Bookwormjillk Yikes! School is important but safety is more important! 4mo
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AmyG Whoa! 4mo
marleed In this day, especially after realizing you really can survive with an online day of schooling, there is just not sufficient reason to put school age kids at risk of brutal weather conditions. 4mo
TheBookHippie @marleed exactly!!! 4mo
TheBookHippie @AmyG it‘s no joke here on the lake! 4mo
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Snowballs | Lois Ehlert
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Still snowing
We had school
Lake affect is no joke
Has to be -26 to cancel for temp
Carry on …
It‘s January ❄️🥶❄️

Read4life How many inches are you at now, Christine? 5mo
Mimi28 They canceled it here in Chicago I was shocked!! Lol 5mo
TheBookHippie @Mimi28 I saw that!!! 5mo
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Mimi28 My friend in the northern suburbs got 25 inches!! They had a snow day too. 5mo
TheBookHippie @Read4life we are over 36 inches as of yesterday and my yard stick, we have to be almost 4 ft (-by the lake we just get pummelled- drive out 20 -30 min and it‘s not as much ..) most ppl didn‘t have school. We‘re in testing and exams.. so we go, however principal apologised at noon to the high school -said she made the wrong decision…roads are ICE. We should have never went today. 5mo
5feet.of.fury Yikes! 5mo
TheBookHippie @Mimi28 we have more than that 😂🥶🤦🏻‍♀️ 5mo
Read4life Wow! Stay warm and safe. ❄️❄️❄️ 5mo
Mimi28 Wow!! We only got about 6 inches that I can tell. The windchill is -14 though. It was probably colder this morning. 5mo
Mimi28 Stay safe and warm!! 5mo
TheBookHippie @Mimi28 here too! This morning was awful!!! So cold!! 5mo
Mimi28 Bless my mom‘s home health care worker. She had to bring her 6 year old son with her today and still took me to go get my prescriptions and grocery shopping. He‘s a sweet little boy though. He likes my mom not too sure about me even though I bought him chips, lol 😂 5mo
TheBookHippie @Mimi28 Awe. ♥️ 5mo
Deblovestoread It‘s beautiful! But you shouldn‘t have to be out in it. Hope you‘re warm and cozy now. 5mo
Mimi28 The streets weren‘t that bad like up there it‘s just colllllllddddddd!! I felt sorry for the birds outside my window. I always talk to them. The whole 4th wall of my bedroom is 3 windows. I am freezing 🥶 lol 5mo
maich I miss snow. We have rain in Slovenia. In a last few years we had only a little snow for a few days. 5mo
TheBookHippie @maich it is pretty to look at. 5mo
TheBookHippie @Deblovestoread in heated blanket currently 😂 5mo
BookishMadHatter Looks very similar to my backyard. With more snow forecast for tonight and tomorrow and Thursday night lol. Yay 🫤 5mo
TheBookHippie @BookishMadHatter here as well… 5mo
dabbe Wow. Just wow. Stay safe! 💜🩶💜 5mo
TheBookHippie @dabbe so grateful for all the mittens socks hats for the littlest peeps that are walking to school in this. 5mo
dabbe @TheBookHippie That was the best idea ever, and I'm glad to have played a wee part. Hope those peeps are keepin' warm! 💜🩶💜 5mo
TheBookHippie @dabbe they proudly are! Interesting fact- not one child has lost a hat or mitten or sock. ♥️ 5mo
jewright I can‘t imagine! It‘s been -10 to -16 this week. We had 9-10ish inches of snow, and we‘ve been out of school for the week. The gravel roads are a disaster. 5mo
TheBookHippie @jewright massive parent revolt they‘ve closed for tomorrow. Thank goodness. 5mo
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Mirror | Jeannie Baker
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Scores from the Little Free Library on Tuesday. Do yourself a favour and check out the tagged author‘s kid‘s books. She is incredibly talented.

Jeg I love her books. 5mo
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Snowballs | Lois Ehlert
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Back to bed we all go ❄️❄️❄️❄️

ju.ca.no I wish🥺😍 5mo
julesG @ju.ca.no me too. 5mo
IndoorDame Yay!! 👏👏👏👏 5mo
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TheLudicReader Me too! 5mo
TheSpineView Lucky! Off to the office in a little bit. 5mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
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Snowballs | Lois Ehlert
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Dear @dabbe we walked to the mailbox in case there‘s a snow day and we sleep in! Your list is on the way!!! We even wiped down the mailbox for the mail carrier! 👀❄️❄️❄️

Leftcoastzen Pretty! 5mo
TheBookHippie @Leftcoastzen the heavy wet lake affect snow always looks pretty on the trees! 5mo
AnnCrystal WOW ❄️🤩💝. 5mo
IndoorDame It is pretty! Keeping my 🤞🏼for your ❄️ day! 5mo
dabbe Sorry to make you leave your cozy home, but thanks for the list! And here's hopin' for a snow day! 🖤💜🖤 5mo
74 likes5 comments
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3.5 ⭐️: This book is a unique book told via scrapbook style with a variety of real-life, context appropriate ephemera. While the story is surface-level and errs on the side of expected cliches, the unique format makes it an enjoyable and quick read. It would be an interesting gift for someone who loves scrapbooking/journaling and books with a touch of historical fiction. Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6001570768

📃: 233

Gissy I have this one, haven‘t read it yet and I do scrapbook 🤦🏽‍♀️ 6mo
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Snowballs | Lois Ehlert
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Power went out end of the school day 3pm EST and just now has come back on … 🥶❄️🥶 8 hours no electricity -it‘s 29 F

It‘s been quite the day.
House is heating back up kettle is on and I‘ll see you all tomorrow 💙❄️🎃

Texreader Holy heck!!! Just nope. 7mo
Texreader Ok but the photos are beautiful! 7mo
IndoorDame Yikes! I‘m not ready! 7mo
Cupcake12 Wow! 7mo
dabbe !!! Hope you're warmer now! 💜🖤🧡 7mo
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