It was good. I read it pretty quick. Wish the ending was a little better but I did enjoy it.
It was good. I read it pretty quick. Wish the ending was a little better but I did enjoy it.
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I watched the film before reading this which I think took a little of the surprise out, but it was still a thoroughly enjoyable read, and I think I wanted to rocket through the big reveal despite knowing what it was anyway. This books takes place in an alternative past in 90s England and follows special school children as they grow in to adulthood and learn about their future ‘donations‘. (Cont. in comments 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻)
The Echo Wife meets How to be Eaten and The Final Girl's Support Group.
I am very glad I did not figure out what was going on until the reveal - I'm even more relieved this was not a 'the husband did it' plot.
I really admire the book for presenting the doubt in motherhood, and a character who is not shamed for deciding that motherhood and marriage were not right for her only after having tried it. 1/?
Another book that didn‘t quite work for me although I can see how and why it would be quite popular. A group of women have all been murdered by a serial killer and have been brought back to life by the “Replication Committee”. One woman works to investigate the mystery of her murder. An interesting conceit and covers some heavy issues like post-partum depression, but ultimately it just felt too far fetched for my liking.
I feel like you either really love this book or you don‘t & I really do despite its bleakness & that it is #WithSadEnding 🥺😢😭
I picked it up at Borders (also a sad ending RIP Borders) 😰because of the cover & blurb & knew nothing about it going in & it struck a chord with me. I reread it after seeing the movie & still felt it in my heart & gut. 💔
I LOVED this! It was so unique and I wasn‘t really sure what to expect. In a world where people can be cloned and therefore sort of brought back from the dead, this group of women who were killed by a serial killer are given a second chance. However, like in most stories, not everything is as it seems. This ended up being more touching drama and less thriller and I can‘t say I‘m mad at it. I loved the blend of science and emotion. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟