• We read the tagged book yesterday and Mimi started to boo-hoo. Review coming soon... •
#recentlyread #childrensbooks #classics #classicchildrensbooks #illustrated #littleone #family #parenting #motherhood #parenthood #life #emotional #impulseread #imnotcryingyourecrying #choppingonions
Wife I get choked up every time I read this book!😭😭😭 5y
Reggie Omg, DO NOT go to the amazon page for this book and read the comment section specifically the one who talked about how her daughter in law died in Katrina and how her two granddaughters at her funeral talked about how she read this book to them every night when they were young....😭 5y
bibliobliss @Wife 😭 major tear-jerker 5y
bibliobliss @Reggie omg 😭 5y