Current book pile - some already read, two currently ready, a lot to go.
#chrispriestley #talesofterror #undeaded #davidgrimstone #marcussedgwick #lunaticsandluck #barrytrotter #michaelgerber
Current book pile - some already read, two currently ready, a lot to go.
#chrispriestley #talesofterror #undeaded #davidgrimstone #marcussedgwick #lunaticsandluck #barrytrotter #michaelgerber
Joseph wondered if it was old Mr Farlow trying to frighten him, but even as he clung to this feeble straw of hope the THING swished into view. He could not make out any features on the black shadow that was climbing faster and faster towards him, save for the the huge curved claws that it used to grip the bark.
#chrispriestley #talesofterror #spooky