Actually, school wife cheating happens more often than you think. One local school got busted for having all the kids test in the cafeteria and each corner of the room was labelled A, B, C, or D and the principal would point to a corner for each question. This was seen as okay because it kept their funding high.
#PeterGray #FreeToLearn #Education #childrenarepawns
CarolynM Apart from being disturbing in regard to the academic learning those kids are doing it is even more concerning in the life lessons they are being taught - someone else will do the work for you, not only is it ok to cheat, it is the clever way to get what you want. 6y
GingerAntics @CarolynM I completely agree with you, but at the same time of all the students taking these ridiculous tests, those kids (the ones gathered in the lunchroom to cheat) are at least learning something from the experience. The rest of the kids, the ones that didn‘t cheat, are just wasting time and being completely messed up. 6y
CarolynM Indeed 6y
GingerAntics @CarolynM it‘s not a good thing, but none of the kids are learning anything “academic,” at least these kids are learning something. Apparently now memory tricks to remember things until the test is over is now considered education, so once the test is over students have no knowledge to show for their school year. It‘s ridiculous. Standardised tests are the worst thing that ever happened to education. It‘s absolute stopped education cold. 6y
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