It's coming out in English in November! Happy birthday to me. I can't wait
Or you can try your luck at the galley giveaway
#giveaway #crz #barcelona #cemetaryofforgottenbooks
It's coming out in English in November! Happy birthday to me. I can't wait
Or you can try your luck at the galley giveaway
#giveaway #crz #barcelona #cemetaryofforgottenbooks
Carlos Ruiz Zafón passed away today. I am shocked and saddened that I'll never get another incredible work from him.
Now more than ever I feel compelled to track down all his books and read them.
"Stories have no beginning and no end, only doors which one may enter them."
#magicalrealism #author #barcelona #cemetaryofforgottenbooks
The day has arrived! I‘m dropping everything to read the newest, and final, addition to the Cemetery of Forgotten Books series. I ❤️ Ruiz Zafon so much and it‘s killing me that I can‘t get home to this chunkster for another hour and a half. Please tell me AGT is on tonight so the family will leave me alone (said in the most loving way possible)! #ruizzafon #cemetaryofforgottenbooks #chunkster #newrelease