Samuel T says the sweetest things....I actually had a boyfriend who I said something similar too! Lol. #southerndrama #thingsmensay #bourbonkings #greatquotes #relationships
Samuel T says the sweetest things....I actually had a boyfriend who I said something similar too! Lol. #southerndrama #thingsmensay #bourbonkings #greatquotes #relationships
There is nothing like a good old southern drama; especially if it involves old money and Bourbon! And that is exactly what I got in this novel. I have so many questions...chiefly...who the hell is Edward covering for and why? Also, what is Gin planning for that husband of hers? I will have to wait til August for the answers 🙄 #goodbooks #booklover #bourbonkings #jrwarde
Tragic and destructive love ; Gin and Samuel need to get it together....jeez! #books #jrward #drama #bourbonkings