Utterly marvellous! I live this sequence which, taken in its entirety, is probably my favourite book of all. Read my Goodreads review at: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9810739-books-do-furnish-a-room. #anthonypowell #booksdofurnisharoom #romanfleuve #contemporaryliterature #satire #history #politics #kennethwidmerpool #widmerpool #novelsequence #literarure #writing
Minervasbutler Love this series. I read it first when I was 18-19, again in my twenties and the third time in my thirties. Now on my fourth time around (read A Buyer's Market a few months ago). 7y
Eyejaybee @Minervasbutler Same here. I too was about 19 back in 1982 when I first read the series, and I have reread the whole thing every couple of years since. 7y
Minervasbutler It's wonderful, isn't it? And somehow Powell seems to have fallen out of fashion. 7y
Eyejaybee @Minervasbutler Yes, he has never had the recognition that he deserves. There was a great biography of him recently by Hilary Spurling, which marvellously captured his life and complemented the novel sequence. 7y
BarbaraBB I enjoyed The Dance too but would not consider reading it again. I loved the title of this installment! 7y