New month—new FYABC book to read and discuss!
Here's our icebreaker:
Have you ever made a tough decision that went against the wishes of your parents/guardians/friends, solely because you knew it was the best choice for you?
#fyabookclub #aprfyabc
Question time!
Do you agree with Lia's decision to run from her arranged marriage? Why or why not?
#fyabookclub #aprfyabc
Next question!
Did you figure out who the Prince and Assassin were before Pearson revealed their identities? Would you have rather known who was whom the entire time, or did you enjoy the mystery?
#fyabookclub #aprfyabc
Time for our first book question!
Lia: Badass babe or spoiled princess?
#fyabookclub #aprfyabc
New month—new FYABC book to read and discuss!
Here's our icebreaker:
Have you ever made a tough decision that went against the wishes of your parents/guardians/friends, solely because you knew it was the best choice for you?
#fyabookclub #aprfyabc