dat dat dat... #booknerdforlife #inmyownworld #shuttingoutreality #bookishgal #myreadinglife #readersgonnaread #mycurrentread #alwayswithmykindle i loved & hated the ending...did she or didnt she? ugh 😑
dat dat dat... #booknerdforlife #inmyownworld #shuttingoutreality #bookishgal #myreadinglife #readersgonnaread #mycurrentread #alwayswithmykindle i loved & hated the ending...did she or didnt she? ugh 😑
loving this so far...#quoteoftheday #booknerdforlife #inmyownworld #shuttingoutreality #bookishgal #myreadinglife #readersgonnaread #mycurrentread #alwayswithmykindle
TONIGHT IS COLD ENOUGH TO USE THE FIREPLACE WOOHOO🔥 🔥 🔥 #spoiled #fireplace #booknerdforlife #inmyownworld #shuttingoutreality #bookishgal #myreadinglife #readersgonnaread #mycurrentread #todaysreadingspot #alwayswithmykindle
MY READING SPOT OF THE DAY WITH THIS LIL BIRDIE KEEPING ME COMPANY...HE LOVES IT WHEN I READ TO HIM... #readingspotoftheday #teaandbooks #withmyreadingcompanion #alwayswithmykindle #booknerdforlife #imallbooked #inmyownworld #shuttingoutreality #bookishgal #myreadinglife #readersgonnaread #todaysreadingspot
HALFWAY THROUGH...SLOWLY BUT SURELY... #booknerdforlife #imallbooked #inmyownworld #shuttingoutreality #bookishgal #myreadinglife #readersgonnaread #alwayswithmykindle #mycurrentread #hungryreader
WHAT BETTER WAY TO SPEND SATURDAY...IN BED READING & WITH MY DOG...JUST MISSING A DRINK OF SOME KIND (TEA COFFEE OR HOT CHOCOLATE 🤔🤔🤔) #mycurrentread #alwayswithmykindle #booknerdforlife #imallbooked #inmyownworld #shuttingoutreality #bookishgal #myreadinglife #readersgonnaread
STARTING MY NOVEMBER BOOK...BETTER LATE THAN NEVER LOL...#booknerdforlife #imallbooked #inmyownworld #shuttingoutreality #bookishgal #myreadinglife #readersgonnaread #teaandbooks #hungryreader #alwayswithmykindle #mycurrentread