Great story of Germans who settled in Yokohama in 1800's and how 2 cultures intermingled and their stories up to now.
Great story of Germans who settled in Yokohama in 1800's and how 2 cultures intermingled and their stories up to now.
This exhibit, which is part of the #Yokohama Museum of Art, (and based on currents in the Mediterranean), reminded me of this charming book which I was reading at the time. I'd picked up a copy at a #Macmillan book sale in #Egremont, #Cumbria. #translation #French #Canadian
When the model train museum also has a library you know where mom will be hanging out. One of the few areas not swarmed by excited kids ⬆ many of these were also on sale and we only own the Barton book 😍 i held back and just got two because the long holiday is young and my wallet is slim 😂 #babyreads #mommyreads #boardbooks #trains #yokohama #Japan #nihongo