All right, my fellow Littens. I‘m speaking at a writers conference later this month, and the headliner...::🥁Drum Roll🥁::...is none other than Lani Sarem (seriously, not joking). This lady‘s name at a writers conference is the equivalent of a live hand grenade. I‘m not on a panel with her, but if I were to ask her just one question, what would you want it to be? Give me your best/worst. #ThisShouldBeFun
ghosthost Where do you get your ideas from? (Sorry, I‘m still working on my troll impression. That‘s the best I can do.) (edited) 7y
TheNextBook Why do you think your book is a YA novel when your protag is 25? How does it feel to get dragged through twitter for your bs shenanigans? Did you expect someone to run back to Angie Thomas with your accusations? Did you expect Angie to clapback at you on twitter for your unnecessary comment? Did you really pretend you were someone else to comment on a review in defense of yourself? 7y
TheNextBook As you can see I‘m not a fan of hers and wouldn‘t come near that book with a 10 ft pole! 7y
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ghosthost @TheNextBook I don‘t think anyone is. It‘s disappointing that a writing conference would choose controversy over command of craft when selecting a keynote. From everything I‘ve seen and heard, this is one of the most unoriginal and poorly written books ever published and writing this book is the least offensive thing she did. (edited) 7y
Linear Took me a minute to figure out where I've seen this book cover before, but then after a minute I caught up to the whole review thing. I've still never seen this book like in person or read it. But I think it's Tiffany that the real life chick on the left looks like the picture on the right so I'm going to click the heart button on your post LOL 7y
BillBlume @Linear I think your reply might be my fav so far. Gave me a definite laugh. 7y
Linear @BillBlume that's supposed to say Nifty not Tiffany... I used text to talk a lot. 7y
BillBlume @Linear no worries! Haha! I‘ve got a horde of typo demons who frequently feast on me. 7y