Book delivery day is THE BEST DAY! #WolfSong#TJKlune#TheWarmHandsOfGhosts#KatherineArden#TheTaintedCup#RobertJacksonBennett
Book delivery day is THE BEST DAY! #WolfSong#TJKlune#TheWarmHandsOfGhosts#KatherineArden#TheTaintedCup#RobertJacksonBennett
I really enjoyed this book! Historical fiction w/ mystery and supernatural elements.
WWI nurse Laura Iven lost her parents when a ship exploded in Halifax, Nova Scotia's port. She returned to the battlefields in search of her brother, her only remaining family member. In her search, she comes across the mysterious Faland, a being who comes & goes at whim, feeding off the despair surrounding
him. 5/5 ⭐ #NetGalley #TheWarmHandsOfGhosts