When your job gives you books to read to because they believe in success it‘s a win. #8of2025
When your job gives you books to read to because they believe in success it‘s a win. #8of2025
I‘ve been a Malcolm Gladwell fan for a bit. This book focuses on how many most-known exceptional people became who they are. Much of it is experience in a field, and the luck of being in the right place, knowing the right people & even being born in the right year. One example in the book, Bill Gates & Steve Jobs, both born in 1955-the perfect age at the right time for tech enterprises, with unusual opportunities available at young ages.
If you have to read only one book about practice vs talent vs gene this is it.... Last two chapters are ethical and philosophical discussion based on scientific evidence..
A very good book
If you don't have time Or don't wana read the whole book then please atleast read the following from this book :
Chapter 3 : What is Success?
Chapter 4 : Success is your duty
Two of three #Roll100 selections look good. That third one, “Outliers“ is one I'm not sure about so I've pulled it to get it off my shelf. I attempted another Gladwell book earlier this year but couldn't get into it.
Thanks @Puddlejumper for this challenge!
This is so worth your time. Things like l: Annual college ratings from US News and World report, 2. Had the U.S. begun integration of teachers and administrators at the same time or before students, 3. Endowments and amenities at top-tier universities, 4. Not advancing the potential of under-privileged students in early grade school, 5. Out bombastic election process to decide leaders, 6. Out tortoise vs hare standardized testing process. ↓
A fascinating reframe of the American mythos and the Western concept of success, genius, and “self-made” greatness.
My first Gladwell book. It was a great read, finished it rather quickly in comparison to my usual. Made me think about hurdles I've faced and providing a different view on my successes. Success has always been narrowed down to hard work and intelligence. But this book looks into how hard work & intelligence aren't the only things at play. There are multiple things at work simultaneously around a person that makes it to the top. Recommend!
I‘ve been reading the scrolls for 4 months almost everyday now and it‘s crazy to see how quickly life can start changing when you take control.
5✨ If you have ever felt like you just can‘t win. Everything is going wrong and you have hit rock bottom, this book is for you. David is one of these people that just can‘t catch a break. His family is suffering and he is feeling worse and worse. Then he is given the gift to travel through “time/dimension” to learn 7 things that can make his life better. I feel like this book was speaking directly to me. It was amazing! #Roll100 October