“The night is alive with joie de vivre and the light of fireflies adds to the vivacity in the environs.”
Princess Kanchan Singh, The Shimmer River
#PrincessKanchanSingh #TheShimmerRiver #PrincessKanchanSinghTrust #SparkleBooks
“The night is alive with joie de vivre and the light of fireflies adds to the vivacity in the environs.”
Princess Kanchan Singh, The Shimmer River
#PrincessKanchanSingh #TheShimmerRiver #PrincessKanchanSinghTrust #SparkleBooks
“The night song of the golden birds is succinct and she collects violet blossoms in a wicker basket.”
Princess Kanchan Singh, The Fuchsia Canary
#PrincessKanchanSingh #TheFuchsiaCanary #PrincessKanchanSinghTrust #SparkleBooks
“The light rain is pleasant and the floral blossoms are fragrant, the evening song of the birds is melodious, a hummingbird is particularly animated.”
Princess Kanchan Singh, The Purple Fritillary
#PrincessKanchanSingh #ThePurpleFritillary #PrincessKanchanSinghTrust #SparkleBooks
“The pixie in violet sits on the charmed tree and waves to her.”
Princess Kanchan Singh, The Charmed Fritillaries
#PrincessKanchanSingh #TheCharmedFritillaries #PrincessKanchanSinghTrust #SparkleBooks
“A young lad in yellow plays the accordion whilst fritillaries fly over the floral blossoms on display.“
Princess Kanchan Singh, The Rose Creeper Mansion
#TheRoseCreeperMansion #PrincessKanchanSingh #SparkleBooks #PrincessKanchanSinghTrust