I‘m not sure how I‘ll do with this book because it‘s not a genre I favor, but I‘m giving it a try as it‘s a book given to me for an early review by #sfwp.com. Books I‘ve read in the past from this indie press have pretty much always been terrific.
I‘m not sure how I‘ll do with this book because it‘s not a genre I favor, but I‘m giving it a try as it‘s a book given to me for an early review by #sfwp.com. Books I‘ve read in the past from this indie press have pretty much always been terrific.
I‘m liking this book a lot. It was sent as an advance review copy by the publisher #SFWP. There are short stories about different people, but they‘re all connected in some way through an office in which they worked. I‘m eager to move through this maze of a book. I‘m sure I‘ll like the rest of it as I‘ve already read a novel by the author Wendy J. Fox.
This first novel by Elizabeth Gonzalez James seems as if it‘s going to be a fun read. The story, about a #Tucson #millennial woman who recently graduated from college yet still remains among the #unemployed, is brought alive by the author‘s crisp, funny writing. Thank you, #sfwp, for the advanced uncorrected proof of this book.
Being in tears by the time I got to page three of this book leads me to believe this is a book I‘ll want to read in its entirety. Thank you, #SFWP, for sending me this book to read and review. I think the books sfwp.com publishes are outstanding and am always happy to receive new ones!
I‘m thinking that this is just not the book for me. It starts off with casual sex, casual boyfriends and the world of design and glamour. I‘m glad that the protagonist Amy has a shrink. I think she needs one. Well, since this is an ARC offering from #sfwp (Thank you, #AndrewGifford), let‘s see how it goes...
Thanks, #AndrewGifford and #sfwp, for sharing the advance reviewer copy of this book with me! I started it today, and am enjoying lead character, Jack Dixon, as well as knowing the author is from #Baltimore. I think this book will be a quick and fun read.
Thank you, #AndrewGifford of #SFWP (publisher) for sending me this book of #ShortStories to read and review. I‘m already up to the second story (both have been about attraction in a relationship). I‘ve very much enjoyed reading the two stories so far. Ever onward!
This book arrived unannounced in the mail today! Thanks #SFWP (publisher) for sending me this book and one other to read and review. I started reading this book today and already like the writing (although I‘m not certain I‘ll like the constant changes in the time settings as the chapters move back and forth into different years). Hoping for the best. We‘ll see as I read more. Ever onward...!