A fantastic day is one spent shopping for books at your local bookstore ♥️
A fantastic day is one spent shopping for books at your local bookstore ♥️
What I love about this is that there are literal centuries separating me from Rousseau, yet so many of his musings were surprisingly relatable. Is he a bit of a drama queen & kinda whiny? Yeah, but I think he was going through it. Some of his writing made me think he had anxiety because I do & boy have I said some of the same things. Anyway, books like this remind me why I read: to see through someone else‘s eyes. 223/1,001 #1001Books
Reveries? Yes. Solitary? Definitely. Walker? Not so much. [Oops thought it was about walking!] Rousseau bounces between self-critical and self-aggrandizing, between relatable nature-lover and misogynist twit who is clumsy in acknowledging his class privilege. His last years as a social pariah cast a 'woe is me' pall over the work, though occasionally I recognize the same relief in solitude he relates. Some good points about joy, generosity.
I can hardly believe I read 3/4 of this book and had to put it down. I could not tolerate any more of him. I kept thinking he might eventually improve as a person but he continued on and on with his terrible ways. His writing was what kept me going I guess. To me he was the epitome of self-derogatory and generally confused. I guess if one is interested in negative aspects of human nature this book would be enjoyable/
This quote is hilarious given I only believe 30-40% of what he has shared so far. As an old man, he gives detailed accounts about events which occurred in his early childhood to adulthood. I am really enjoying the book though. Written in the first person, it really seems like he is having a private conversation with me.
This dude seems so inept. But, he wrote a memoir that is deemed a classic and I am enjoying it. I think it‘s about the writing style and not the nature of his life.