Read for the #ReadWithMrBook challenge. This month‘s theme was #narratedbyananimal. It was probaby the sadest story with a happy-end I have ever read.
Read for the #ReadWithMrBook challenge. This month‘s theme was #narratedbyananimal. It was probaby the sadest story with a happy-end I have ever read.
July‘s theme #NarratedByAnAnimal for #ReadWithMrBook inspired me to revisit a childhood favorite I haven‘t read in ages.
Went whimsical with this George Saunders story while making quiche for tonight‘s dinner. It‘s going to be nearly 100 degrees here today, so I baked early in the day.
The story combines a fox‘s perspective on human activity with some morality lessons. All in a unique linguistic patois that‘s vintage Saunders.
#readwithmrbook #narratedbyananimal