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The Girl On The Page | John Purcell
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This book is definitely about #ThatGirl! And I‘m going to hijack this prompt to do an impromptu giveaway 😊

Amy is a beautiful, hard drinking book editor, and the story gives us a snarky look into the publishing world. BUT....there is so.much.sex! And I actually chickened out of giving this copy to my colleague because of it. So #MyBlushes are your gain!

Open to all - tag me before Saturday and I‘ll add your name into the hat

Cinfhen That‘s hilarious 😂 Love the hashtag 🙌🏻 6y
Cinfhen I‘ll take a shot at this one....thanks 💜 6y
JennyM @Cinfhen Yey...it‘s good, just a bit 🙊. @CarolynM will back me up on it. And there was no way I was giving to someone at work 😆 6y
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Cinfhen Waiting to hear @CarolynM thoughts 😉😂😂 6y
CarolynM @Cinfhen It's an entertaining look at the publishing industry but the central character is something else. She has a lot of sex, it's not romantic, or even erotic, it's yuk! It made the character unbelievable which kind of spoilt the story for me. 6y
Cinfhen Hmmmm @CarolynM not sure if that would turn me off too!! I think it might 6y
JennyM @Cinfhen no one else seems to want it...so you may be the lucky recipient 😆 It‘s on the best seller list over here in Aus. But Carolyn is right. It‘s a good story, but it was very graphic in a kinda unnecessary way. 6y
Cinfhen It‘s only 5:30 am in the States...I have a feeling things might change 😂😂💕😘 6y
WanderingBookaneer Tag you as in repost and tag? 6y
JennyM @WanderingBookaneer anyway 😊 I‘ll put you in the hat 🎩😘 6y
KarenUK This book sounds great! @JennyM 👍 6y
TheKidUpstairs Not a fan of unnecessarily graphic sex in my books. But I hope it goes to someone who'll enjoy it! 6y
cokersam This book as been a source of motivation to me and I see myself differently in the aspect of success. It‘s a book everybody needs to read.

Amazing book for every reader, visit this link, you will love and thank me later https://okadabooks.com/book/about/you_can_the_linda_ikeji_experience/25486

cokersam @TheKidUpstairs This book as been a source of motivation to me and I see myself differently in the aspect of success. It‘s a book everybody needs to read.

Amazing book for every reader, visit this link, you will love and thank me later https://okadabooks.com/book/about/you_can_the_linda_ikeji_experience/25486

cokersam @TheKidUpstairs This book as been a source of motivation to me and I see myself differently in the aspect of success. It‘s a book everybody needs to read.

Amazing book for every reader, visit this link, you will love and thank me later https://okadabooks.com/book/about/you_can_the_linda_ikeji_experience/25486

cokersam @TheKidUpstairs This book as been a source of motivation to me and I see myself differently in the aspect of success. It‘s a book everybody needs to read.

Amazing book for every reader, visit this link, you will love and thank me later https://okadabooks.com/book/about/you_can_the_linda_ikeji_experience/25486

cokersam @KarenUK This book as been a source of motivation to me and I see myself differently in the aspect of success. It‘s a book everybody needs to read.

Amazing book for every reader, visit this link, you will love and thank me later https://okadabooks.com/book/about/you_can_the_linda_ikeji_experience/25486

cokersam @CarolynM This book as been a source of motivation to me and I see myself differently in the aspect of success. It‘s a book everybody needs to read.

Amazing book for every reader, visit this link, you will love and thank me later https://okadabooks.com/book/about/you_can_the_linda_ikeji_experience/25486

JennyM @TheKidUpstairs lol...it doesn‘t look like many people do either 😊 6y
JennyM KarenUK my lucky hat adjudicators (my kids) tell me you are the lucky winner. When you get chance, email me your address details and I will post off to you. I hope you enjoy it 😘 (edited) 6y
KarenUK Awww thanks so much @JennyM ! So excited! Will send you my address today 💕💕💕 6y
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