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Ghachar Ghochar | Vivek Shanbhag
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Ghachar Ghochar | Vivek Shanbhag
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Short story? Novella? Whatever the form it is a thought provoking story about the price of upward mobility for one insular family in India. It leaves the reader with more unsettling questions than answers, which means I won‘t easily forget it.

batsy Nice! I have this and I'm pretty embarrassed that I've yet to get to it since it is pretty short 😆 1y
Tamra @batsy it‘s quite short and well worth it! 😃 1y
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Ghachar Ghochar | Vivek Shanbhag
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What great set-up in the first chapter! 😁 This has been TBR for me quite a while and by chance found it in a thrift shop. Love those lucky finds.

Ruthiella This is a good one! 1y
ashw21 I really liked this book! 1y
Tamra @Ruthiella @ashw21 I really enjoyed it and it will stick with me! 1y
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Ghachar Ghochar | Vivek Shanbhag
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This is short and interesting. In case any of you are looking to add numbers to your book goals quickly. It takes place in Bangalore and gives an interesting perspective on family life. The title is a made up phrase meaning a tangled mess.

Ghachar Ghochar | Vivek Shanbhag
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My feelings about this #NewYearWhoDis pick are “ghachar ghochar”: all twisted up.

Confession time: I don‘t typically love books in which unlikeable characters abound. It‘s one of my secret literary shames. 🙈 So, this novella - about a codependent family that loses their kindness when they fall into wealth — wasn‘t my favorite. Still, the writing is strong. 👇🏻

BiblioLitten The demigod waiter is a 💯 accurate description. I remember sending a picture of the passage to my friend saying that someone had finally put it in writing. Loved your review! 2y
Smarkies Hahahaha. Yes.... Depressing as AF is definitely what I took away from the book.😂😂 2y
monalyisha 1/3: The scenes set in the Coffee Shop with Vincent, the totally average or demigod (depending on who you ask) waiter who worked there, were the most enjoyable for me. So, I found myself drawn more to the beginning & ending of this story than the middle. (edited) 2y
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monalyisha 2/3: Here are my complaints: The protagonist is horrible and weak, and he knows it. It‘s unbearable. The tenderness that is lost and withheld — the casual cruelty that is enacted — is devastating. I much would have preferred it had there been some glimmer of hope, or some suggestion that the MC might grow in strength & become a better person. But there is none. And, I guess that‘s life. That‘s realistic. Aaaaand it‘s depressing AF. 😅 2y
monalyisha 3/3: I went back and forth (literally) about whether to give this one a “pick” or a “so-so.” Ultimately, I went with a “pick” because of a single, powerful passage that I suspect will will haunt me (the masoor dal curry spattering on the sidewalk; a woman‘s shame). @TheKidUpstairs Despite this not being my kind of read, I‘m still glad I read it. Thanks for passing on the rec! 2y
monalyisha @TheKidUpstairs What did you make of the ending? Do we think Anita was actually murdered? Or, do we think that she disentangled herself? That she ghosted her husband & disappeared, like he did to Chitra? Did she leave everything her husband‘s family bought her behind in the wardrobe? Like Queen M? Is that where the hope comes in? I almost want to go back & reread it so I can formulate a theory & then support it with text-based evidence. Almost. 😉 (edited) 2y
Ruthiella I think his family had her killed. 2y
TheLudicReader That cover, though. 2y
monalyisha @Ruthiella I tend to think so, too. But I think an argument could be made for her escape! If you want to desperately cling to hope, that is. 😆 Chitra‘s character [& the narrator‘s sudden ghosting of her] could be like Chekov‘s Gun (the author‘s been compared to him), & the family that boards the train next to Anita with too many bags, with whom she strikes up a fast conversation, could have been bringing her clothing/supplies for her new life. 2y
monalyisha @Ruthiella But it‘s far more likely that Anita was just killed & that the narrator had “blood on his hands” because of his cowardice & failure to act. 2y
TheKidUpstairs I completely understand your review, I personally like well written unlikable characters, especially in a short novella. I can handle the uncomfortably awful side of humanity in short doses. And I love messy endings. The ending to this one haunts me to this day. I believe that they had her killed, and the MC has to live with the fact that his weakness destroyed and murdered someone. But I also like that it is never said, that the possibility 👇 2y
TheKidUpstairs ... remains that she is out there somewhere. I swear there were some happier endings somewhere on my list! 2y
monalyisha @TheKidUpstairs I agree with you about ambiguous endings! I love being able to play with possible interpretations. And I hate being told how to read something (whether it‘s by the author or anyone else). Rebel, rebel! 2y
TheKidUpstairs I just looked over the list I sent you, and I might be wrong about happy endings... there's more than a few sad ones... I don't know what that says about my reading year last year! 2y
monalyisha @TheKidUpstairs Ha! I‘m okay with sad endings. Though, I will admit that I read A LOT of books about Mister Rogers last year. 😂 I‘ve definitely been gravitating towards kindness in my narrative life (& beyond) lately. 2y
monalyisha @TheLudicReader I know, right? The copy I read had a different cover but I liked the one pictured too much to be accurate about it. 😉 (edited) 2y
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Ghachar Ghochar | Vivek Shanbhag
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I started my 3rd #NYWD22 book last night…& then promptly flew into a panic when we realized our pet was having a medical emergency.

Ultimately, we think it was a bout of GI stasis (common in rabbits) but it was much more sudden & dramatic than anything we‘ve experienced. We thought we were going to lose her. ❤️‍🩹

Today, she‘s returned to her usual ravenous, food-motivated self. So, I‘m gratefully & relievedly returning to my usual, too. 📖

Bookwormjillk I‘m glad she is okay! 2y
monalyisha @Bookwormjillk Thank you! It was a long, scary night. We‘re exhausted but so thankful. 💓 2y
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Suet624 💕💕💕 2y
rabbitprincess 😨😨😨 Whew, so glad she is OK 🐰♥️ 2y
Eggbeater I'm glad she's okay. I know how helpless you feel when they are hurting. ♥️ 2y
monalyisha Me too, @rabbitprincess! She was so lethargic, & breathing heavily, & just totally limp in our arms. I‘ve never felt a panic like that. We didn‘t even bring her to the vet. I was afraid of losing her in the car on the way there, or behind closed doors. She‘s nearly 10, & it just felt imminent. It was *awful.* Then, a miraculous rebound (aided by Critical Care & Metacam, I suspect)!They‘re such mysterious, vulnerable, lovable little creatures. 2y
monalyisha Thanks, @eggbeater. 💞 2y
Clare-Dragonfly My goodness, I‘m glad she‘s OK! GI stasis is so scary. 2y
sprainedbrain Oh I‘m glad she‘s ok! ❤️ 2y
Smrloomis Yikes, sorry that sounds so scary! 💕 2y
TheKidUpstairs I'm so glad to hear she's back to herself. It's so scary when our pets get sick, they can't tell us what's wrong. She's lucky to have such a loving, safe home! This book is one that was gifted to me by @Blackink_WhitePaper and it's one that I still think about often. 2y
xicanti WHEW. I‘m glad your scary night turned out all right. 2y
readordierachel Glad she's OK! 2y
monalyisha Thank you, @Clare-Dragonfly @sprainedbrain @Smrloomis @TheKidUpstairs @xicanti @readordierachel 💗! I‘m still watching her closely. Poor thing…every time she lays down I‘m like, “Are you relaxing or are you lethargic again?” She must be thinking, “Well, I *WAS* relaxing. THANKS.” 🙈 2y
vivastory Glad to hear that she's okay! 2y
Megabooks Glad she is okay! 💜 2y
MaureenMc Glad she‘s doing well! 💙 2y
rachelsbrittain Hugs and glad to hear she's doing better! 2y
Bookzombie So glad she is okay! 💗🐰 2y
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Ghachar Ghochar | Vivek Shanbhag
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In this video I talk about 10 short works of fiction that I heartily recommend, as well as two others that I will be reading soon.


Ghachar Ghochar | Vivek Shanbhag
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A novella about a family who has newly come into wealth. It tackles topics such as capitalism, corruption, marriage, women's standing in society and money within this slim volume.
Read for #booked2021 for #under150pages and #india for #readingasia2021
@Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle

Cinfhen Sounds good!! 3y
Librarybelle Hooray for reading this one for a couple of challenge prompts! 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Sounds like an intense read. 🇮🇳 3y
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Ghachar Ghochar | Vivek Shanbhag
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Ghachar Ghochar was just great! It‘s short, so you can read it in a day, but you‘ll be thinking about it for much longer! I‘ve been wanting to read this for a couple years, and I‘m glad I could finish before school starts again tomorrow 📚 #AxeTheStacks #ReadingAsia2021 #India

TheKidUpstairs I read this in December. That ending still sticks with me. So good! 3y
Librarybelle Stacking! 3y
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Ghachar Ghochar | Vivek Shanbhag
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This Saturday calls for a short book and a quick breakfast because I have a busy day ahead. #booksbeforechores

The first page brings back fond memories of The Indian Coffee House... waiters with the elaborate red cummerbund and all.

#currentlyreading #fiction #India

Cathythoughts Strawberries on toast !!!! Well , that‘s a new one on me ! Looks good , I‘ll have to try it 😁 3y
BiblioLitten @Cathythoughts It‘s good! I add a bit of Nutella on the toast too. 😊 I have seen variations where they add cream cheese on white bread, and then top it with strawberries. (edited) 3y
Ruthiella I thought this book was pretty amazing. I love it when authors accomplish so much in so few pages! 😀 3y
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Tanisha_A @Ruthiella Spot on observation about this one. I thought it was a brilliant read 3y
BiblioLitten @Ruthiella I agree! This short read packs quite a punch. 3y
readordierachel Hope your day was good! Breakfast looks delicious 🍓 3y
BiblioLitten @readordierachel Thanks Rachel, it was good day. 😊 There‘s something satisfying when I know that I have absolutely nothing to do on a Sunday. 😄 Hope you had a good day too. 💞 3y
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