Cute story!
“the animals had taken them and each one was thinking, ‘Now I am wearing a magnificent hat!”
I would use this in my classroom to talk about foreshadowing, because on each page there are two windows which show other actions occurring throughout the story that can help you predict what‘s going to happen.
The Hat by Jan Brett is s story about a hedgehog named Hedgy who gets a winter hat that few away in a winter storm stuck on his pack. All the other animals passed him one at a time and either laughed or said nothing hedgy was starting to feel embarrassed when all the animals ran past him with winter clothes on.
“Ha, Ha! Hee, hee! You‘ll never find me. I‘m the Gingerbread Baby. Catch me if you can.”
I would love to use this book and explore the idea of windows and foreshadowing with my students.
In Jan Brett‘s “Gingerbread Baby” published in 1997, the gingerbread baby hopped out of the oven off the baking tray because Matti Peaked before he was done being baked. The Gingerbread Baby goes on to create mischief by hopping across boars, tying girls‘ braids together, and running all over the pace. He continues to run around and cause a ruckus when Matti gets the idea to bake him a house and trap him!
“The animals had taken them and each one was thinking, 'Now / am wearing a magnificent hat!'“
I would use this in my classroom to talk about foreshadowing, because on each page, there are two windows which show other actions occurring throughout the story that can help you predict what's going to happen.
The Hat by Jan Brett is a story about a hedgehog named Hedgy who gets a winter hat that flew away in a winter storm stuck on his pack. All the other animals passed him one at a time and either laughed or said nothing. Hedgy was starting to feel embarrassed when all the animals ran past him with winter clothes on.