Finally, a 5 star novel!! I already loved her debut novel “22 Bahnen”, but I enjoyed this even more. The author has a very distinct voice and reading her novels is just so much fun, even when the content is very emotional.
Finally, a 5 star novel!! I already loved her debut novel “22 Bahnen”, but I enjoyed this even more. The author has a very distinct voice and reading her novels is just so much fun, even when the content is very emotional.
This was nice and went into a different direction than I anticipated. It‘s actually not about how the anonymity of the Internet makes us all evil & careless, but that the Internet can actually connect good people who want to do good & selfless things.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️,5/5
“Die Wut, die bleibt” will probably end up on my Best of 2022 list. It‘s about a tired mother who suddenly kills herself during another lockdown in 2021. Left are her oldest daughter and her best friend, who are trying to pick up the pieces and survive in a society which treats women horribly.
This is a pandemic book that must be read. It‘s brutal and deeply honest.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
#GermanLittens #GermanNovel
Yesterday we celebrated Indie Book Day, so I bought the newest novel by Wilpert. It tells the story of a house in Leipzig at three points in time: 1942-1945, 1980, 2015-2016. We follow three women who are all connected with this house (2 are imprisoned in it). It‘s harrowing and well-written.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
#GermanLittens #GermanNovel
The German novel Dschinns by Fatma Aydemir is very good and emotional. It‘s about a family who immigrated from Turkey to Germany. Now the children are grown up and the family is brought back together because of a tragedy.
It‘s interesting & sad to read their experiences in Germany and how they much racism they have to face. The family is complicated too and secrets are revelead. I highly recommend reading this
#Germannovel #read #review