If you haven't yet read any Barbara Gowdy, I highly recommend treating yourself to this gorgeous collection of unconventional love stories, including the basis for the moved Kissed starring Molly Parker ❤️#GIVEAWAYSTORIES @Liberty
If you haven't yet read any Barbara Gowdy, I highly recommend treating yourself to this gorgeous collection of unconventional love stories, including the basis for the moved Kissed starring Molly Parker ❤️#GIVEAWAYSTORIES @Liberty
My favorite short story collection of the year? Also this year‘s Man Booker winner: Lincoln in the Bardo
Pick lil ol me @Liberty :)
The movie Arrival came from this collection of short stories. I loved the connection with ASL. #giveawaystories
#GIVEAWAYSTORIES #4! I dove into my first collection of Ames earlier this year and thoroughly enjoyed!
My favorite short story writer is Lorrie Moore. My other favorite is Stephen King, but I always mention him. ;)
My favorite songwriter, though, is Joni Mitchell. I know every word to every song through The Hissing of Summer Lawns. She was there with me during my teen years through joy and heartbreak. And yeah, I'm old...so I got to listen to all of that on original vinyl. #GIVEAWAYSTORIES #4 Thank you for the opportunity to win her book.
These stories wrecked me. Not a weak tale in the bunch. #GIVEAWAYSTORIES
Fragile Things wasn't quite as good as Smoke and Mirrors, but I dig King's short stories because they don't take me months to read 😂
#giveawaystories @Liberty
GIVEAWAY TIME #4: Next up: the new story collection from Jeffrey Eugenides and a collection of essays for Joni Mitchell fans! To win, make a new post about a story collection you love, use the hashtag #GIVEAWAYSTORIES, and tag me in the photo. Do this by 9pm EST today (October 28), and I'll randomly select one winner. (Open to everyone.) Good luck! ❤️🤘🏻📚