“When your husband's eyes light up as he comes in at night, you're in sad shape if it's only because he smells dinner cooking.”
Ah, the Good Old Days?
#StarTrekSummerMay | 11: #FutureImperfect
📷: Made with Typorama
“When your husband's eyes light up as he comes in at night, you're in sad shape if it's only because he smells dinner cooking.”
Ah, the Good Old Days?
#StarTrekSummerMay | 11: #FutureImperfect
📷: Made with Typorama
I still have to finish this duology, but it definitely takes place in a #FutureImperfect.
TNG epi 4.8 #FutureImperfect: Riker waking up 16 years in the future with a son, a captaincy and a wild case of WTF. Or does he? Simple plot, ok acting, GREAT aging makeup and BAD creature makeup (Lord, is the alien bad!). Not transcendant but fun.
My favourite waking-in-the-future story is one of the first: Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy (1888) is a socialist utopia that stands up better than many golden age SF.
#startreksummermay #day11
Future Imperfect is another one of my favorite TNG episodes. I totally bought into the time jump, Riker with his touch of grey hair, Data as his first officer. Not that I don't like Picard, but Riker is my favorite TNG character, so I like him as captain of the Enterprise.
#StarTrekSummerMay #FutureImperfect @Megabooks
#FutureImperfect #StarTrekSummerMay
I‘ve read about a number of imperfect futures that I seriously hope don‘t come true. I started with the YA series, like The Hunger Games, Divergent, and The Uglies, but later I started reading a few adult dystopian novels. Many of them frighten me! But I continue reading them.