“Then you arrive at home again, and you look at your window from the outside. Someone you love is waving at you, and you can't wait to go in. So you do.“
“Then you arrive at home again, and you look at your window from the outside. Someone you love is waving at you, and you can't wait to go in. So you do.“
This can teach children to fully embrace the beauty of all of the lives around them. This would be good to have in a classroom where students have a habit of being negative. We can work on bringing positivity!
“Windows“ by Julia Denos is a colorfully illustrated picture book with a beautiful sunset on almost every page. This story shows how each window you can look into holds another unique and beautiful life happening inside. It teaches young children to appreciate their own life as well as the ones happening around them.
“Then you arrive at home again, and you look at your window from the outside. Someone you love is waving at you, and you can't wait to go in. So you do.“
This can teach children to fully embrace the beauty of all of the lives around them. This would be good to have in a classroom where students have a habit of being negative.
“Windows“ by Julia Denos is a colorfully illustrated picture book with a beautiful sunset on almost every page. This story shows how each window you can look into holds another unique and beautiful life happening inside. It teaches young children to appreciate their own life as well as the ones happening around them.
When I first read Windows my first thought was how perfect of a story it would be to read to a child before bed! The picture book made me feel safe.
Windows is a lovely children's picture book written by Julia Denos and illustrated by E. B. Goodale. This book is about heading out for a walk right before night time and experiencing all of the life around you. The illustrations in this book are very detailed and full of vibrant colors. Windows is a book that encourages children to find their own stories in the pictures.