Next up for reading.
#middleages #medievalhistory
This book is a great way to get to know (better) the artist, it focuses mainly on Pärt's search for innovation and inspiration, his quest for finding his musical language. The political background about how his work was impacted by the Soviet government is also interesting.
I loved how the illustrations managed to incorporate the music theme.
I knew only Tabula rasa by Pärt when I came across this graphic novel at the library and knew nothing about his life. The black and white drawings, lines and notes capture the sound of his minimalist techniques. I enjoyed learning about Pärt‘s background, beliefs and dissent and the composers and music that influenced his later compositions. It makes me want to listen to more music he wrote.
I know very little about Estonia or the majority of composers out there. Between Two Sounds introduces you to a bit of both in a simple yet engaging way. Being a graphic novel allows it to focus more on how events shaped & affected Arvo Pärt rather than his trajectory as a composer getting lost w/in historical events (WWII, Soviet rule). I paired reading this w/ listening to some of his pieces which I felt enhanced both the writing and the music.
Beautiful writing, but I can't say I understood everything. You'd probably have to be an Estonian of the right generation to get the most out of it - which is OK: writers don't have to cater to everyone, and in any case, cryptic speech is central to the “plot“ (to get around surveillance) - hence the photo featuring examples of surreal WW2 coded messages:
Started this very poetic and slightly surreal, but so far very confusing novel, written by an Estonian author about an Estonian young woman, but set in Riga (Latvia). I got this much from the back cover - the 1st pages of the book itself are far from clear 😊
There is a sentence about The Lord who did not order His angel to put sticks (or penises - the French translation is ambiguous 😮) in salt for the main character?
I so wish for footnotes...
Second book in Apothecary Melchior series and it is even better than the first one! I think this is closer to Niklas Natt och Dag style of writing than the first book in the series and I totally understand that it definitely is not for everyone but I just loved it. It is way more brutal and dark than the first book. I love the location of medieval Tallinn! The third book is already waiting on my shelf. Hopefully I get to it soon! 😁
Saw the St Olaf's church today. It was under construction so couldn't visit inside. Maybe next time.
One of the story locations. 😍
I loved reading about mediaval Tallinn! This reminded me a bit of Niklas Natt och Dag but was much lighter to read. I'm definitely going to read the other books in this series.