The pibble does not want to read my book, but at least she isn‘t eating it.
#pibble #pitbullsoflitsy #dogsoglitsy
The pibble does not want to read my book, but at least she isn‘t eating it.
#pibble #pitbullsoflitsy #dogsoglitsy
One more of my buddy Lola (who loves fetching bare toilet paper rolls) for a slightly belated #NationalDogDay !! 💜
Hope everyone is enjoying some long puppy cuddles before Monday ☺️ #DogsogLitsy
I'm halfway through Kevin Hearne's Hounded. Love the Irish wolfhound Oberon. I'll be sad if he doesn't get his harem of French poodles. I'd also be fine if that's the real reason for the book's title.
#dogsoglitsy #irishwolfhound #oberon #kevinhearnw #urbanfantasy #irondruidchronicles #irondruid #frenchpoodle #harem #hounded #ERMadLibs