27 years old. 42 issues. Let's do this! 🤘
27 years old. 42 issues. Let's do this! 🤘
Enter, Super Skrull. Citizen of Tarnax IV. His real name is K'lrt, he has the combined powers of the Fantastic Four as well as his natural Skrull shape shifting abilities.
Super Skrull is an outcast and an outlaw, wanted pretty much everywhere...and yet he fights the Annihilation wave for everyone. 🖤🤘🖤
Great one page spread of Gamora taking on Ronan.
Apparently one of Gamora's superpowers is fighting cosmic entities in that ridiculous outfit she's sporting. 😂
Surfs up... 🤩
Ooooh snap!
(the tagged book isn't actually what I'm reading. For some reason the twelve issue run titled, Thanos: Redemption isn't actually in the Litsy database)
Same writer though. Just a different time frame in the cosmic Marvel happenings.
I've decided over the next few weeks I'm doing a DEEP dive into Marvels cosmic universe. Alot of it I have already read...alot of it I havent yet.
I have a feeling that's where things are headed both in the MCU and in the comics. Could be wrong...either way it's gonna be hella fun. 🤘
Brushing up on my Celestials history for the new Avengers comic that just kicked off last week. ♥️