#imhere at home on a snowy day with a sick kid. 😕
I was inspired by @saresmoore to read the intro to my copy of Shirley. This book has not fared well critically, mostly because it's about society and departs from CB's usual exploration of the interior landscape.
So will we be disappointed disparagers or embrace it as an underappreciated gem? In hopes we will become its champions, the official hashtag...🥁 #shirlitesunite 🙂
@cinfhen @vivastory
merelybookish @LeahBergen @batsy @blaire @ephemeralwaltz @erzascarletbookgasm @Weaponxgirl @andrew61 @mklong 6y
LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
saresmoore I love it! Not the sick kiddo part, though. Best wishes for quick healing! 6y
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merelybookish @saresmoore Oh thanks! I'm in that dilemma about whether to take him in for a strep test or just wait and see. 🤷 6y
merelybookish @LeahBergen Glad you approve! 👍 6y
SamAnne Am only 25 pages in. I‘m on a Bronte kick. Just finished Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Are you a member of the Goodreads classics group perchance? 6y
merelybookish @SamAnne No, I'm not very active on GR. This is a casual Litsy buddy read. We are reading Shirley in February and posting out thoughts as we go along. You're welcome to join in. Just tag any spoilers and is the #shirlitesunite hashtag. 🙂 6y
SamAnne Wonderful! Might join. 6y
saresmoore Boo! I‘m sorry to hear that. Motherhood dilemmas are intense and never ending. I always hesitate, too, for the sake of whatever potential germs lie in wait for the weakened immune system at the doctor‘s office. 6y
merelybookish @saresmoore There's no fever so leaning towards waiting. Sometimes you wait and wish you'd gone. Sometimes you go and then feel it was a waste. So it goes! 6y
Blaire Looking forward to starting. Got all the bronte on my kindle for .99. Hope the sickness passes and you don‘t need to take kiddo to the doctor. 6y
merelybookish @Blaire Thanks! I think he's okay. Barky coughs just always sound so bad! 6y
batsy I have the older Penguin edition, too. Is your intro by Andrew and Judith Hook? I'm nervous about this one because of the reviews, as well, but I'm #Charlotte4Life so I think I'll be happy to read it all the same :) Hope your son's feeling better? 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Hope your son‘s feeling better and there‘s no need for the doctor. I‘ll be reading from Serial Reader, most probably, unless I can get a physical copy soon. 6y
merelybookish @batsy That's the edition I have. And I'm not too worried. I figure even bad CB will probably be pretty good. Even if the plot is wacko or dull, the power of her phrasing and expression will make up for it. But I am also #charlotte4life. 🙂 (And thanks re: Ned. He was well enough to go to school today.) 6y
merelybookish @erzascarletbookgasm Thank you! And good to know it's on Serial! 6y
ephemeralwaltz I'm really sorry but I realized this week that I have a lot of reading to do for work this month and I can't commit to a read as long as Shirley... So I won't be joining all of you in the #buddyread :( I've loved seeing your posts but I'll have to join in another time. So sorry again! Happy reading! Hope you all meet Shirley soon 😂 6y
merelybookish @ephemeralwaltz No need to apologize! We've all had that happen with our reading! 6y