Reading about mental health and anxiety on January 31 #bellletstalk raising awareness and decreasing the stigma attached
Reading about mental health and anxiety on January 31 #bellletstalk raising awareness and decreasing the stigma attached
I picked up Howie's book for my mom, who asked me to have a look for it. I may give it a read as well sometime. I've seen Howie's recent #BellLetsTalk videos on anxiety. I'm grateful that my new job is focused on dish washing, while fast cooking gets me panicked. Various cases may get frowns of doubt, but is a real ongoing struggle.
Non-fiction collection of books related to mental health 📚 #BellLetsTalk #bookstagram
Oliver Sacks collection including a new collection of essays he wrote while coming to terms with his mortality. Thank you Dr. Sacks for continuing to inspire my love of the human narrative. #BellLetsTalk #bookstagram
My favorite book of all time featuring twins struggling with the pervasive impact of mental illness, trauma, and complicated family dynamics. #BellLetsTalk #bookstagram
A heart wrenching book following the lives four friends, centered around one who has been through unimaginable horrors. 💙#BellLetsTalk #bookstagram 💙😭