So the #24hrmangalove readathon is done here at CST, didn't get through as many books as I wanted but I had fun 🙂🙂🙂 #orange #spiceandwolf #amreading #manga #anime #romance #love #friendship
now time for hw...
So the #24hrmangalove readathon is done here at CST, didn't get through as many books as I wanted but I had fun 🙂🙂🙂 #orange #spiceandwolf #amreading #manga #anime #romance #love #friendship
now time for hw...
They're so cute! 😊😊 #24hrmangalove (I hope I tagged the right book lolol)
#amreading #spiceandwolf #manga #romance #love #cute #otp #couple #teasing #isunahasekura #yenpress #anime
Pls someone tell me if I'm going to read his letter I WANNA KNOW WHAT FUTURE SUWA FELT #24hrmangalove
#manga #amreading #orange #ichigotakano #books #romance #love #friendship #pinning #bittersweet
DAMMIT HES TOO PRECIOUS #24hrmangalove #amreading #manga #orange #ichigotakano
Oops, I fell behind on posts...
Ok this is probably my favorite scene so far, outside of the angst 😂😂 #24hrmangalove
#amreading #books #bookstagram #manga #orange #ichigotakano #shoujo #romance #friendship #timetravel #pining #love #bittersweet
3.75 ⭐️
This was an action packed finale to the battle with the Wiseman. I loved the visual presentation of jealousy through the creation of Black Lady as well as seeing a bit more maturity forming within Usagi. The story line of Pluto was a tugger on the heartstrings because of her devotion to the Sailor Guardians, Neo Queen Serenity and Small Lady.
#24hrmangalove #manga #sailormoon #sailorjupiter #graphicnovel2019 #mpls #twincities
It's not that I'm crying over the fact this precious puppy is hurting but yeah I'm crying 😢😢 #24hrmangalove
#manga #shoujo #romance #ichigotakano #amreading #books
Now that I‘m finally home from work, I can see what my options are. Looks like Food Wars! vol 3 and Sailor Moon vol 5 are next up for me. Hopefully with schoolwork during the afternoon and work later in the evening I‘m going to be able to get some solid reading done. If I‘m lucky, my holds will be up at the library and I‘ll get my hands on vol 11 & 12 of Fairy Tail!
#24hrmangalove @Crimson613 #manga #anime #graphicnovel2019 #mpls #twincities
The #24hrmangalove readathon has officially started here at CST! Based on votes I'll be starting with Orange 😁
There's still time to vote: https://wp.me/p87mzW-9Ui
#manga #orange #ichigotakano #valentinesread #romance #shoujo #love #friendship #books