It was actually 52, but okay. 😉 Fell short of my goal of 70 due to a HUGE slump during the summer. But I've picked up & am looking forward to 2019! #2018inbooks
It was actually 52, but okay. 😉 Fell short of my goal of 70 due to a HUGE slump during the summer. But I've picked up & am looking forward to 2019! #2018inbooks
From my Goodreads Your Year in Books graphic. 65 books/19,478 pages. Not a stellar year numbers-wise, but not too shabby. Sea Prayer was a perfect follow-up/companion read to From a Low and Quiet Sea, both of which were 5 🌟 reads for me this year. Looking forward to many great books in 2019. Still deciding what challenges I‘ll do and where I‘ll set my Goodreads Challenge number. #2018inbooks #2018wrapup