I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it.
I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it.
(2017) We think of reading as a solitary activity, but in eighteenth century England, reading was also a social one: families read together in the evening, friends read to one other, readers formed clubs to read aloud from novels, histories, and plays. William's study discusses the why, where, who, how, and what of reading in company and it's a fascinating world with very different habits of literary consumption.
Interesting: the 18th century book market saw a demand for “miscellanies,“ collections of choice excerpts from longer works.
Some critics at the time were concerned about the ruin of culture due to the new generation's education through shallow excerpts instead of longer texts. Three hundred years later I share their concern, but maybe it's just history rhyming again.
While fleeing Paris, conman La Motte is forced to take under his wing Adeline, on the run from her father, who is trying to force her into becoming a nun.
Although the effects of scenery on people's moods are important all through the book, the author really goes overboard with the travelogue sections of vol. 3, apparently based on travel books of the time. This striving for geographical realism is odd given how unrealistic the people are.
#wintergames24 @Liseworks @StayCurious #holidaybookdragons
+20 points (10 for photo, 5 for post, 5 for poetry book)
All these things, with some very surprising incidents in some new adventures of my own, for ten years more, I may perhaps give a farther account of hereafter.
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(1790) Ear-read during a long drive, this is Radcliffe's second novel and packed full of Gothic tropes: an exotic location (Sicily! Land of hot-blooded lovers!); a large sprawling mansion with decaying disused maybe-haunted rooms where mysterious lights appear; secret passages, family scandals, star-crossed love, and lots of fainting and almost-fainting and bursting into tears. It's a lot of muchness, but it was a welcome traveling companion
It‘s a #RandomClassics miracle! I finished Evelina!
I ended up restarting it a couple of weeks ago on a long hike with a different narrator and that made all the difference! I quite enjoyed this and I think I‘ll probably pick up a little print version sometime in the future.