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Something Will Happen, You'll See
Something Will Happen, You'll See | Christos Ikonomou
6 posts | 2 read | 9 to read
Ikonomou's stories convey the plight of those worst affected by the Greek economic crisis--laid-off workers, hungry children. In the urban sprawl between Athens and Piraeus, the narratives roam restlessly through the impoverished working-class quarters located off the tourist routes. Everyone is dreaming of escape: to the mountains, to an island or a palatial estate, into a Hans Christian Andersen story world. What are they fleeing? The old woes--gossip, watchful neighbors, the oppression and indifference of the rich--now made infinitely worse. In Ikonomou's concrete streets, the rain is always looming, the politicians' slogans are ignored, and the police remain a violent, threatening presence offstage. Yet even at the edge of destitution, his men and women act for themselves, trying to preserve what little solidarity remains in a deeply atomized society, and in one way or another finding their own voice. There is faith here, deep faith--though little or none in those who habitually ask for it.From the Trade Paperback edition.
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A cheery one to start the #heatofjuly (sorry!)

As the title suggests, this is a book about waiting. Everything happens slowly when you're waiting to get paid, to lose your job, to find a way to feed the kids, to find a miracle way out. It places you firmly in the experience of poverty and desperation, during the Greek economic crisis.

And I've been reading this everso #despacito for months - it's beautifully written, but incredibly bleak.

BarbaraBB The quote triggers me, so beautiful! 6y
TrishB That is beautiful writing 💕 6y
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If only I had written something.
I'm filled with incredible emptiness.
If I had written some heroic words of mourning someone would have paid attention.
For sure.

After the death of his friend in a 'workplace accident', Yiannis wants everyone to know, so stages a one-man protest. He is less #tiredoftalking than of no-one listening. And he has no words.


Image: Eric Vernier, Bannering up - https://flic.kr/p/dFog1h

Mdargusch Sounds heartbreaking. 6y
emilyhaldi 💙 6y
Reviewsbylola 💔💔💔 6y
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TrishB Wow 😮 6y
rockpools @TrishB It's quite a 😮 kind of book. I'm off to index a book on Business Ethics for some light relief 🤔 6y
TrishB Must be difficult if Business Ethics is light relief! 6y
rockpools @TrishB Uncomfortable and a bit grim & bleak, rather than difficult. Sure a few pages of BE will make it look wildly appealing tho! 6y
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#marchintooz #dontbelieveanymore @Cinfhen @Lizpixie

Making an early start on #readaroundtheworld #greece and will try again with Peru next month, as attempt 1 never quite happened and attempt 2 hasn't arrived yet. @JenP

These are raw, angry stories of living in Greece on the poverty line during the economic crisis. And they're good. I read this passage today, and it seemed to fit.

Cinfhen I‘m failing on my #LitsyPassport challenge 😟😢😜 7y
rockpools @Cinfhen Honestly, me too - I've read 1! In fact all of my around-the-world type challenges have gone a bit belly up - I seem to be reading from every country except the ones on the lists! 🗺🙃 7y
BookishMe I found Peru books, mostly about drab and miserable lives too ;(( 6y
rockpools @BookishMe This IS really good. But grim. I failed totally with Peru and not sure how much better I'm going to do with this month's ... 6y
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Also seen in my bookstore travels today. Like the cover, but the title is amazing!

Deserthorror Great title 8y
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