Finished this with a sigh of relief! It did get better and I've been enjoying our discussion very much. But there are so many books and so little time!
Finished this with a sigh of relief! It did get better and I've been enjoying our discussion very much. But there are so many books and so little time!
So we're reading this for my contemplative spirituality programme at church, and I'm... rather hating it. I feel foolish to admit it, but when I first heard about it, I formed the impression that it was a true story 🙈 The reality, contrived characters and cheesy dialogue presenting this disillusioned evangelical dude asking all these questions about Catholicism and Francis is just so badly written in my opinion, despite good discussion points🙁
Excited about this one...🤓
I finished this book 3 days ago and am still thinking about it! I loved this book so much that I had to own it!!!
This book touched the core of who I am and I will be forever changed because of this book! It was incredibly poignant in speaking about peace... I think in light of what we face as a country and world it is extremely important to remember that peace, respect, and dignity no matter who you are is what is important. I recommend this book to everyone, regardless of religion... You won't regret it!
Bought a new blanket (that I totally didn't need) and now looking forward to cozying up under it tonight!
I am loving this book and wishing I had more time to read this weekend... 😔
Part of a genre the author calls "wisdom literature" this heavily researched novel simultaneously tells the story of an Evangelical pastor going through a crisis of faith and the history of St. Francis of Assisi. The story was engaging but a bit trite, however I love the genre concept and did learn a lot about St. Francis. #commuteread #wisdomliterature #saintstories